Add RSS Feeds to Your Website

Are you sitting there asking yourself what is a RSS feed? If you are, you are not alone. Most people are not familiar with RSS feeds unless they have a website or a blog. The technology used in popular RSS feeds allow internet users who are interested in keeping up with their favorite website posts to get them automatically. The user has to have an RSS feed reader and if you not know how to use RSS feeds you can Google that and find out how.

Each time a website posts a new article or a blog posts something new, you can see it in your RSS feed reader. It can come right to your desktop and users can have more than one subscription to RSS feeds. In fact, there is a RSS feeds list that you can use to find the most popular RSS feeds to subscribe to.

Many of the popular RSS feeds are on sites you probably already know about, like Goggle, Yahoo, Radio Userland, Feedcat and more. There are other popular RSS feeds to subscribe to as well, such as the CNN RSS feed, Fox News live feed, Google News RSS, Google News UK and the Wall Street Journal blog. Many others are available. Certain websites have RSS feeds imbedded in them already.

Web masters like to use RSS feed to get a faster search engine indexing for their websites. RSS feeds also aid in search engine ranking. Using RSS feeds also gives you a lot more website traffic and helps to beat out your competitors when competing for visitors to your site each day. Web masters also use the popular RSS feeds as a way to make added income via Google AdSense. Find out more by reading about popular RSS feeds online today.