What You Should Include on Your Schools Website – SCHUMM

rst impression. You could, for instance, include pictures of children enjoying themselves in school. The school should be clearly displayed names on your website. After that, you should create an original homepage. Your school’s homepage will make an impression on visitors. It needs to be visually appealing. The school can make use of images or videos that show what goes on in the school. Students and teacher information may be included.

There is the option of adding links to other pages on your site. These could be pages with more information about the school’s past history or pages on which parents can get more details about the progress of their child in the classroom. Your site must match the general look and feel of the school. Be sure each component of the design works in harmony in order to attract customers to your site. Take into consideration the tone you would like to project when choosing a color scheme. One way to accomplish this is through using colors that complement one another.
